Valve Replacement Surgery
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Valve Replacement Surgery
Replacement of Valve At Ganga Hospital, surgery is a complex cardiac treatment used to treat heart valve problems or malfunctions. Heart valves are essential parts of the heart that control blood flow. The mitral, aortic, tricuspid, and pulmonary valves are essential for maintaining one-way blood flow through the heart’s chambers. Serious cardiac problems may arise from the impairment of these valves brought on by diseases like stenosis or regurgitation. The Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons (CVTS) at Ganga Hospital thoroughly assess the degree of valve malfunction during valve replacement surgery and choose the best replacement strategy. A mechanical valve or a bioprosthetic valve is used in its place when the damaged valve is removed. Mechanical valves are often constructed from strong materials like carbon or titanium, which allow them to endure abrasion and provide long-term performance. To avoid blood clots, people with mechanical valves frequently need to take anticoagulant medication for the rest of their lives. Bioprosthetic valves, on the other hand, are made from biological tissues, frequently taken from human, pig, or animal donors. Bioprosthetic valves may not require continuous anticoagulation, but their lifespan may be shortened and replacement may be necessary in the future. A prime example of Ganga Hospital’s dedication to cutting edge cardiac treatment is the methodical planning and performance of valve replacement surgery. With the ultimate goal of restoring optimal cardiac function and enhancing overall quality of life, the specialised CVTS team, armed with the most recent surgical techniques and supported by cutting-edge facilities, guarantees that patients undergoing valve replacement receive personalised and comprehensive care.
- The Ganga Hospital does valve replacement surgery to treat damaged or malfunctioning heart valves.
- The mitral, aortic, tricuspid, and pulmonary heart valves are essential for controlling blood flow.
- Long-lasting durability is a feature of mechanical valves, however they necessitate continuous anticoagulation.
- Bioprosthetic valves have a limited lifespan but may not require continuous anticoagulation because they are made from organic tissues.
- As part of its dedication to providing cutting-edge cardiac care, Ganga Hospital carefully plans and performs valve replacement surgery.
- With the help of cutting-edge facilities, the skilled CVTS team provides thorough and individualised patient care.
- Restoring ideal heart function and enhancing general quality of life are the ultimate objectives.